Monday, January 12, 2009

Brittany's Vegas Adventures

Brittany has been busy in Las Vegas studying English and managing the house in Henderson. With here she took along Gus-Gus and Otis, her two Chinese Pugs. They're hilarious! Neither of them can breath very well, and there's definitely not a lot going on up stairs, if you know what I mean. She had to adjust to the killer temps, dry air, and outrageous airconditioner bills, but overall she's done great and really enjoyed being there. It was hard for her to move out of mom and dad's house and leave behind all of her piano students, that she built from the ground up, but in the end it was worth it for her to finally be on her own. Ironically after moving to Vegas she started dating a boy from Medera California, so most weekends you can find her driving up to see him. She graduates in May of 2008 and plans on getting her Masters degree along with her teaching credentials.

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